Grow Max Water Filtration
Grow Max Water Filtration
Pure water has the chemical composition of H2O with a CF of 0 but from municipal water sources there are various contaminants. These contaminants can be solid particulates or dissolved compounds. The amount of dissolved carbonates determines how ‘hard’ the water is, with high amounts of carbonates making the water hard, as in most of the UK. Solid particles will not affect the p.h or E.c of a solution while the larger amount of dissolved salts, the larger the E.C / CF / PPM of the solution. Other chemicals are added by the water board across the country to treat the water, such as fluorides which can have negative impact on beneficial microbe populations.
Growmax Water Filter.
The growmax water filter will remove particulates from your incoming water while reducing the total number of dissolved salts. Some dissolved content will remain but it will be cleaner than without a filter.
Growmax Reverse Osmosis Filter
Reverse Osmosis water is as pure as possible, meaning it’s extremely close to 100% H2O without any salts. Its really easy to measure E.C, TDS or CF but all these measurements are a value of total salts and gives no indication of the ratio of these salts. In hard water areas, carbonates are the most common dissolved compounds, comprising of magnesium, calcium and carbon.
By using a R/O filter, several benefits for plants are gained:
More of the dissolved nutrients are to actively facilitate plant growth - even the most hardy plants can only take a maximum e.c of 2.4, by removing the carbonates, more nutrients can be added and plants can be pushed harder.
Promotes the health of roots - roots will be able to uptake 100% of the added nutrients that actively promote plant growth without having to contend with excessively high levels of calcium and magnesium carbonate.
Protect Beneficial Microorganisms - Fluorides are found in all tap water and can be toxic to plants in too high a concentration. Fluorides also kill microorganisms, negating positive effects you are expecting from microbial products. Fluorides also attack the root hairs of plants, reducing the amount of water and nutrients it can uptake.
If you’ve got more questions about Water Filtration, the different types or what would suite your garden, get in touch with our specialist team on 0800 085 7995 or email us who will advise you further on the uses of Water Filtration.