Water Heaters & Chillers
During winter, electric water heaters help you to avoid plant shock by feeding nutrient solutions that are too cold. They stop your water from getting too cold during the winter months. During summer, Electric water chillers help you to avoid issues like pythium. They're also useful during heatwaves. Water chillers stop the water/nutrient solution from getting too warm, and allow you to maintain your set temperature. The temperature of a hydroponic solution is extremely important for the availability of nutrients within the solution. When the temperature of the nutrient solution gets too cold, your plants can't absorb nutrients. When the temperature of the nutrient solution rises too high, diseases, such as pythium, can take hold. And if left untreated, can ruin an entire crop. For more info on Electric Water Heaters and Water Chillers, and how to use them in your reservoir, read our buyer's guide below.
Electric Water Heaters & Water Chillers
Water heaters allow you to easily maintain a lukewarm nutrient solution in cold conditions. If water temperatures get too low, the plant can go into shock from stress, which could stunt growth. Cold nutrient solutions also make it hard for the plant to uptake nutrients from the solution. If your nutrient tank maintains a temperature that's too cold, your plants will show deficiencies, which if not corrected, will be detrimental to your final yields.
Optimal Nutrient solution temperature should be maintained between 18°C and 20°C. If temperatures rise more than this for a significant amount of time, the risk of negative root diseases dramatically increases, including: Pythium; and Fusarium.
To maintain the perfect nutrient solution temperature during the summer months, use an electric water chiller. During the winter months, use an electric water heater. Maintaining optimum temperatures helps to facilitate the best plant growth and final yields.
If you’ve got more questions about Water Heaters or water chillers, email us or call our specialist team on 0800 085 7995 who can advise you on the benefits of Water Heaters and chillers to help you pick the best heater or chiller for your reservoir size and system type.